Mobile IV Therapy

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NAD + in the Springfield, Mo Area

NAD+, short for Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, is a form of Vitamin B3 (Niacin) and is an important coenzyme that is found in the mitochondria of all living cells. This coenzyme is heavily involved in DNA repair and cellular remodeling. NAD+ also contributes to the production of energy and protein modification.

It is key to cellular metabolism. As we age, our NAD+ levels decrease making us less able to repair cellular damage. We begin to lose energy, appear older and have decreased brain function. NAD+ plays a significant role in anti-aging.

Even as a naturally occurring substance, NAD+ can be lowered by things such as poor diet, aging, stress, sleep issues, and drug or alcohol use. It is essential for a healthy neurological system and organs. Scientists have found that NAD+ therapy helps the body function better.

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Why is NAD + Important?

NAD+ is an essential cofactor for non-redox NAD+-dependent enzymes, including sirtuins, CD38 and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases.

NAD+ is a natural occurring coenzyme that declines with aging. Maintaining NAD+ levels can minimize cellular aging and chronic diseases. Supplementation of NAD+ may help;


NAD+ is involved in numerous biological processes that are vital for maintaining overall health and vitality. As we age, NAD+ levels naturally decline, which can contribute to a range of age-related health issues, including decreased energy levels, impaired cognitive function, and increased susceptibility to chronic diseases. By monitoring and optimizing your NAD+ levels, you can support healthy aging and enhance your quality of life.

Refresh and Replenish

NAD+ Infusions

Benefits of NAD+ Infusions

Discover the amazing benefits of NAD+ and see how it can enhance your overall well-being.

Generate Energy

Increase your vitality and energy levels with NAD+ infusions.

Improve Cognition

Enhance your cognitive function and mental clarity with NAD+ treatments.

Protect Cells

Safeguard your cells against stress and promote longevity with NAD+ therapies.

Inflammation Reduction

Experience reduced inflammation and improved recovery with NAD+ interventions.

Boost Immune System

Strengthen your immune system and overall health with NAD+ infusions.

Enhance Athletic Performance

Optimize your physical performance and muscle function with NAD+ treatments.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

More Questions? Let us know!


  • How is it administered?

    The NAD+ IV is administered in an IV and infused over a slow drip rate for 2-4 hours for first-time patients. Many patients take less than 4 hours, especially for subsequent infusions.

  • Why does the infusion take so long?

    Side effects that are normally experienced with the NAD+ infusion are directly related to the speed of infusion itself. By getting NAD+ at a slow infusion rate side effects are minimized.

  • What is the recommended regimen?

    NAD+ is recommended to be given once a week for 4 weeks, followed by an infusion one month later and then maintenance infusions 3-6 months later.

  • Dosing and cost?

    Anti-aging dose (250 mg) $350

    Neuroregeneration dose (500 mg) $550

  • How long do NAD Infusions typically take?

    Anti-aging dose (250 mg) $350

    Neuroregeneration dose (500 mg) $550

  • What are the side effects?

    ● Chest tightness / pressure

    ● Abdominal cramping

    ● Feeling flush

    ● Nausea 

    ● Headache

  • What are some contraindications for NAD+?

    ● Allergy to VitaminB3 or Niacin 

    ● Patients with a history of any form of cancer

    ○ Due to the direct action on the mitochondria 

    ● People taking certain medications such as benzodiazepines or anti-seizure medication may also have contraindications with NAD.

    ○ NAD has been known to increase Dopamine levels 

  • What can I expect to feel afterward?

    ● mental clarity 

    ● enhanced energy 

    ● effects felt more after 3-4 infusions

NAD+ Protocol Overview

A series of infusions unlocks the largest benefits for those interested in the power of NAD+. Plan on coming to see your HAD Hydration family for a few weeks while also benefiting from the extra hydration.


NAD+ helps protect tissues, induces DNA repair, and aids ATP energy production. The NAD+ Drip is several hours. For Optimal Results, complete a series of 4 NAD+ IV Drips.

Optimal use for anti-aging and Neuroregeneration is:

1.) Loading Phase

Loading phase: once a week for 4 weeks

2.) Booster Infusion

1 month later

3.) Maintenance IV Infusion

Every 3-6 months or as needed

4.) Clients Needs

Based on client needs and provider clearance frequency in IVs can be increased but with a minimum time between infusions of 3 days.

For more information, talk to any HAD Hydration employee.

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