Mobile IV Therapy

Welcome to HAD Hydration

HAD Hydration, Bringing Nutrition to Your Cells through Health Coaching and Counseling

Ready for a change? HAD Hydration delivers 100% of hydration, vitamins, and minerals directly to your cells through IV Therapy!

  • Roughly 75% of all Americans are chronically dehydrated.
  • Only 10% of the average tablet vitamin actually gets absorbed into your body.

Boosts Energy

IV therapy can boost energy levels by providing a direct and rapid infusion of essential vitamins, minerals, and hydration to your bloodstream.

Detoxes the Body

IV infusions aid the body's natural detox processes by supplying vital nutrients that enhance toxin elimination and support detoxifying organs.

Helps Prevent Illness

IV therapy can help prevent illness by providing your body with a direct supply of essential nutrients and vitamins, which can strengthen your immune system.


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HAD Hydration's Path to a Healthier You.

Health Coaching, Counseling, IV Therapy Services in the Greater Ozarks'

We offer in clinic and mobile IV (intravenous) therapy. Our infusions are packed with hydration, vitamins and minerals that get immediately absorbed into your bloodstream. That means the nutrients go directly to your cells. Humans are complex organisms made up of trillions of cells, each with their own structure and function. The human body has approximately 30 trillion cells.

These cells all work together to carry out the basic functions necessary for humans to survive. Normally when we drink and eat, our digestive tract absorbs nutrients and takes them to our cells.

Official IV Hydration Partner of the Korn Ferry Tour-Price Cutter Charity Championship, Springfield, Mo

HAD Hydration

Is your GI Tract working?

Stress, illness, malabsorption issues related to weight loss surgery, Celiac disease, Crohn's, Colitis, IBS, GERD or other inflammatory diseases can all be the culprit. Even when our body is functioning and not under stress, it only absorbs between 40-60% of the foods potential nutrients. IV vitamin therapy bypasses your digestive system, making nutrients instantly available, so your body can absorb 100% of what it needs. 

oral vitamins

But I already take oral vitamins

Did you know that only 10% of the vitamins in traditional tablets actually get absorbed into your body? Due to the encasement and fillers in the vitamins our stomach acid breaks down the vitamin before it gets the chance to be absorbed. IV vitamin therapy bypasses your digestive system, making nutrients instantly available, so your body can absorb 100% of what it needs.

The Future

Beyond the Hospital – A Wellness Trend for All

Gone are the days when only hospital patients receive IV therapy treatments. Today, many health-conscious people enjoy IV hydration therapy as a way of getting the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and even medications they need to feel better and keep their body functioning properly.


When you are feeling under the weather, ate some bad food, killed it at the gym or went a little too hard the night before; let our Registered Nurses at HAD Hydration be there for you. It doesn’t matter where you are: at home, work or at the lake; HAD Hydration will be there to hydrate you back into your busy schedule. So, pick a comfortable spot and HAD Hydration will come to you! 

The Benefits

The Benefits of IV Therapy

Whether you're seeking an energy boost, detoxification, immune system support, or relief from specific symptoms like migraines or hangovers, IV therapy can be a valuable ally in your pursuit of a healthier lifestyle.

  • Boosts Energy
  • Detoxes the Body
  • Improves Skin and Hair
  • Reduces Migraine Symptoms
  • Enhances the Immune System
  • Helps Prevent Illness
  • Minimizes Anxiety and Stress
  • Relieves Hangover Symptoms
  • Combats Jet Lag
  • Improves Athletic Performance
  • Facilitates Muscle Recovery
  • Improves Cognitive Function

The Future

Cortney McKinney BSN, RN

Cortney started her medical career in 2000 by serving her country as a Medic in the Army. She loved serving her country but loved helping people even more. Taking her career to the civilian world in 2009, Cortney became a Registered Nurse.

She began in Pediatrics, placing IVs in the tiniest of veins. Cortney has worked in the Pediatric Oncology ICU, Hematology/Oncology, and Outpatient Infusion Centers. 

More About Cortney

We deliver alternative healthy services

Our Mission is to serve and educate the community about health and wellness. We are bringing IV Nutrition to YOU!

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